Thursday, September 15, 2011

My New Language

Who influenced me to talk the way I do now is my mother, she was very strict on the way I pronounced words and my spelling. Before I went to high school in Dublin, most of my speech came from listening to my mother and her conversations over the phone, or just listening to Rap and R&B music. It’s funny to say, but it seems like every word or conversation she had spoken I picked up that language which I knew was not correct, and used it with my friends. It developed so fast I noticed my speech was exactly like my moms, even though she cussed a lot in her conversations I used a lot of swear words twice as much with my peers. After attending Dublin High my speech habits became clearer and better just by the new environment I was in. I don’t consider speaking proper better, but I considered it the best way to communicate in most situations. My family members were so amazed by the way I communicated with them because it was new to them. I wasn’t embarrassed by the new way I spoke, but I actually noticed and developed words I really like. I don’t think slang words are a bad to use, it's just the environment you may be around that may be appropriate for that situation. So I am confident the way I speak and I can code switch when it’s appropriate to.

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. Would you consider recommending Dublin high toward other up and coming highschoolers.
