Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Inspiration

What inspires me is music to be specific Afro Jack. This inspires me because recently I was in club waiting for my sister to sign up for the bad girls club show, and I was there to support her inside a club in San Francisco. As I was waiting for her they was playing music and it really inspired me, as I was sitting there. I was in the VIP area by myself and as the music was playing it made me forget about everything I was going through and somehow it was uplifting me to become a better person. As the music was getting louder my focus was looking into these blue lights and I was beginning to smile more and more as the music continued to play. I never felt so refreshed like this, by listening to music and I felt like if this kind of genre of music makes me feel this way I should listen to this all the time. My feelings and emotions were more into the sound and the lyrics of the song; the song was just sending a message to be higher in life. Feeling this way I was alone at the time, and I realized with me being by myself my focus was on my life and how I wanted to conquer the world and be successful. The first thing it reminded me of was Year Up, and I felt like I can achieve whatever and accomplish what ever goals that are set for me.  I think this inspiration would last for a long time with me, when I’m walking to school and from work. It changes my whole days forgetting about all the stressful things that are going on in my life. By listening to Afro Jack it inspires me to become a better person and be in my own little world, so I believe this inspiration would last years for me.

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